7ocean People approved as Revised Employer by NHO for year 2020 and 2021
NHO Service and Trade (Service og Handel) hereby congratulate 7ocean People AS on the fact that the company has been approved as Revised Employer (Revidert Arbeidsgiver) according to version 2.1 for the years 2020 and 2021. This means that 7ocean People has been completely revised and meets the requirements for routines and practices set out in the main document for the scheme.
Jorid Sunde, Head of Administration
We are looking forward to receive your CV! (Picture: Sunset seen from 7ocean office 10.02.2025)
Many thanks for the year 2024, and we look forward to continue our good and substantive cooperation in 2025. Wish you all MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean Calendar 2025 - Dimension A4 two-sided
Clients: Please send us a request! - Candidates: We are looking forward to receive your CV!
Candidates: We are looking forward to receive your CV! - Clients: Please send us a request!
7ocean offers highly qualified technical expertise. This applies in particular to the Maritime industry with Shipbuilding, Fish Farming & Aquaculture, Energy & Wind power and Maritime infrastructure, in addition to a large and varied range of subcontractors.
For several technical industries like Maritime, Shipbuilding, Green Energy & Wind power, Fishfarming & Aquaculture and a large and varied range of subcontractors.
From 7ocean to all our fantastic and trustful customers, skilled employees & candidates, we look forward to continue developing our good cooperation!
Spennende og attraktive stillinger som Bransjekonsulent innen flere av våre markedsområder.
We look forward to continue developing our good cooperation with existing & new both customers, employees & new candidates in 2024
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean A4 Calendar 2024 (two-sided)
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean A3 Calendar 2024 (one-sided)
Within a large and varied range of disciplines - Included green energies.
7ocean will be present at Aqua-Nor on Wednesday and Thursday week 34.
For the Maritime industry with Ship industry, Oil & Gas, Energy & Wind power, Farming & Aquaculture and Maritime infrastructure, in addition to a large and varied range of subcontractors.
Dear customers, employees and candidates. Wish you all a really nice summertime 2023! We look forward to continue our cooperation, and to develop this further. Take care, stay safe, and see you again quite soon.
7ocean will be present at Nor-Shipping on Wednesday and Thursday week 23.
Norway's Constitution Day - Happy birthday Norway!
From 7ocean - Customers & Employees, we look forward to continue developing our good cooperation! - Candidates wanted within a wide range of disciplines!
7ocean offers highly qualified technical expertise. This applies in particular to the Maritime industry with Ship industry, Oil & Gas, Energy & Wind power, Farming & Aquaculture and Maritime infrastructure, in addition to a large and varied range of subcontractors.
We look forward to continue developing our good cooperation with existing & new both customers & candidates in 2023
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean A4 Calendar 2023 (two-sided)
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean A3 Calendar 2023 (one-sided)
7ocean is looking for Skilled Technical Resources within a large number of disciplines. Highly interesting projects within several different industries. All positions are located in Norway. This is a great opportunity to be a part of a very attractive team.
Ole Jonny Eriksen, our representative on the south west coast of Norway, is available for our many interesting customers
7ocean will be present at ONS 2022 on Tuesday and Wednesday week 35.
Dear employees, partners and customers. Wish you all a really nice summertime 2022! We look forward to continue our cooperation, and to develop this further. Take care, stay safe, and then we see you again quite soon.
I løpet av de siste 20 årene, har 7ocean utviklet sin kompetanse innen tekniske konsulenter for optimale løsninger med fokus på våre kunder
and we have many more than shown on the link! - https://www.7ocean.no/vacant-positions
From 7ocean to all our fantastic and trustful customers, skilled employees & candidates, we look forward to continue developing our good cooperation!
7ocean is growing, and Kristine Karoliussen will have main focus as Key Account Oil&Gas.
With a special focus on the sea-oriented industries, 7ocean offers highly qualified technical expertise. This applies in particular to the Maritime industry with Ship industry, Oil & Gas, Energy & Wind power, Farming & Aquaculture and Maritime infrastructure, in addition to a large and varied range of subcontractors.
We look forward to continue developing our good cooperation with existing & new candidates & customers in 2022
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean Calendar 2022
7ocean is growing, and May Misund Magerøy will have main focus as Key Account Consultant.
Vi ønsker oss nå flere dyktige ansatte, og har nå spennende og attraktive stillinger som Bransjekonsulent innen både energi&vindkraft, oppdrett&akvakultur, maritim infrastruktur og olje&gass.
Dear employees, partners and customers. Wish you all a really nice summertime 2021! We look forward to continue our cooperation, and to develop this further. Take care, stay safe, and then we see you again quite soon.
7ocean bidrar gjerne sammen med både utstyrs- og software-leverandører for å levere komplette løsninger. Se både annonse og artikkel i avisen NÆRINGSLIV nr 4.2021.
From 7ocean to all our fantastic and trustful customers, skilled employees & candidates, we look forward to continue developing our good cooperation!
7ocean bidrar gjerne sammen med både utstyrs- og software-leverandører for å levere komplette løsninger. Se annonse i TU nr 3.2021.
7ocean is a consulting company that offers technical expertise to the maritime and sea-related industries
We look forward to continue developing our good cooperation with existing & new candidates & customers in 2021
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean Calendar 2021
Ny og attraktiv stilling innen salg av tekniske ressurser for bemanning og rekruttering i hele Norge.
We are delighted to welcome Mr Erik Devold Eidsvig in our 7ocean Team!
Please contact us for even more vacancies and interesting projects!
We are delighted to welcome Mr Frode J. Klokkehaug in our 7ocean Team!
A tip for all with technical interests: Visit and follow the 7ocean homepage for attractive updates!
We are delighted to welcome Mr Ole Jonny Eriksen in our 7ocean Team for Sales with address Bergen.
Several new vacancies are now open for applyment. This is attractive positions based on our customers, where actual candidates thrive on varied work tasks and see every challenge as an opportunity, in an interdisciplinary environment, where no projects are similar.
Dear employees, partners and customers. Wish you all a really nice summertime 2020! We look forward to continue our cooperation, and to develop this further. Take care, stay safe, and then we see you again quite soon.
Stillingen krever teknisk utdanning innenfor prosess, gjerne også mekanisk og evt noe elektro/automasjon. I tillegg, god kjennskap og erfaring fra design og prosjektering av landbasert oppdrettsanlegg (RAS, Gj.strømning - smolt, settefisk, matfisk). Gode norsk kunnskaper skriftlig og muntlig.
Several disciplines within industries like maritime/shipbuilding, aquaculture, oil&gas offshore/onshore, construction/architects, electrical, automation, IT/data, on site resources, project managers, supervisors and more for the Norwegian industries in general.
7ocean are delighted to inform about our partner agreement with B&A Software
Several disciplines within industries like maritime/shipbuilding, aquaculture, oil&gas offshore/onshore, construction/architects, electrical, automation, IT/data, on site resources, project managers, supervisors and more for the Norwegian industries in general.
Dear partners and customers, we look forward to see you again soon!
Dear candidates, partners and customers, the 7ocean administration are available in the current situation. Phone and e-mail will continue and be at your service.
7ocean are delighted to inform about our partner agreement with Kymar in Norway
7ocean are delighted to inform about our cooperation agreement in Norway based on Acurail in Denmark
Please feel free to download the useful 7ocean Calendar 2020!
We look forward to developing the cooperation with existing and new customers 2020!
From 1. of october 2019, 7ocean are moving to AMFI Moa Øst, Langelandsveien 51, 4'th floor
From 1. of october 2018 7ocean is reorganized into one company with different business units.
7ocean is launching new web site and adjusted brand.
Greatest on project resources and engineers for hire to Norwegian maritime industry.
7ocean People notes that the demand for senior engineers is getting up.
7ocean People in Ålesund now experience, like many other actors within the maritime industry, great pressure for their services.
Information regarding 7ocean Privacy Policy
At 7ocean People, we provide you with free tutoring to find the best consultants for your business.
7ocean People is certified as a revised employer of NHO Service.
7ocean is growing and has employed Mareno Kennet Nakken who will work with sales, recruitment and product development.